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A Civil Society organization ,  Defence For Human Rights And Democracy (DHRD) in the Niger Delta has applauded the Commandant General NSCDC, Dr. Abubakar Audi for notable positive changes he brought to the Corp. 

The CSO, observed with pleasure that since the assumption of office, the CG has been emphatic of staff welfare, including promotion, training and prompt payment of other benefits. 

In a statement signed by the Chairman of the group, Comrade Clifford Solomon, the group gave a thumps up to the CG and wondered why any right thinking person should carry out campaign of calumny against  DR. Audi or call for his removal. 

The CSO described persons who are calling for any action against the CG as mischief makers who are not happy about   the growth and progress of the Corp.  

The Statement noted that Dr. Audi has achieved so much in the fight against oil theft, where several illegal refineries have been busted and dismantled by different commands of the Corp. 

According to the group, uncountable number of items used for oil theft, such as petroleum trucks, boats, vessels, Pumping machines, buildings, tanks, lengths of hoses amongst others have been confiscated. 

They equally observed that the Corp has secured forfeiture of several items used for oil theft to the Federal Government. 

The statement noted that with non compromised stance of the Commandant General, many perpetrators of illegal oil bunkering, pipeline vandalism as well as illegal refineries have been prosecuted. 

The group called for support of the CG to perfect his vision of transforming NSCDC. 

The Full text 

A Civil Society Organization (CSO) called Defence For Human Rights And Democracy (DHRD) in the Niger Delta has commended the Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Commandant General, Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi for providing a virile and transformational leadership for the NSCDC within the period of assumption of office as the 3rd Substantive NSCDC CG noting that those that have lunch campaigns of calumny against the CG and calling for his suspension or removal  are cronies and cabals with negative and mischievous intentions as the progress and achievements of the Corps under Audi leadership has tremendously changed the narrative and would bring the Corps to its fulfillment in due course if allowed to complete the tenure. 

The group led by the Chairman, Clifford Christopher Solomon drummed approval and support for the current administration of Corps with reference to its notable achievements in the fight against economic saboteurs ravaging the oil sector and degrading the economy of the nation and its common wealth.

“In clear terms, the trend in which the NSCDC had risen from obscurity to become one of the most enviable security outfits under Audi’s leadership is rather worth applauding than condemning”.

“We have closely watched with kin observation the trajectory of successes and achievements of the NSCDC in the past years; the NSCDC whose establishment Act 2003 of the National Assembly empowers it to provide 24 hour surveillance for public and private property, maintain law and order was ammended in 2007 where the functions of the Corps further strengthens it to bear arms and safeguard all Critical National Assets and Infrastructure which includes combating the activities of Vandals and oil theives amd securing oil pipelines, protection of all government utilities, disaster mitigation and crisis management, Training, Supervision, licensing and regulations of the Private Guard Companies in the nation have on the overall perspective and assessment shown that the NSCDC has grown to become an elite organization of international standard and should be allowed to continue under the present Audi led administration”.

The group noted that with the trend of extraordinary transformation in the Corps occasioned by improved Staff welfare where backlog of Promotions and corresponding arrears of such were settled, the review of Staff Insurance Scheme which provides succour to the Next of Kin of Personnel who dies in the line of duty, Training and Retraining of officers and men with the massive arrests and prosecution of thousands of suspects who allegedly engaged in Crude oil theft and vandalism of oil pipelines in Rivers, Akwa Ibom, Imo, Cross River, Bayelsa and other States of the federation; subsequent arrests of Railway vandals, foiling of over 48 kidnap attempts of School Students and Teachers are very distinguishing and results oriented efforts of  CG. 

In furtherance, the group highlighted notable achievements made within CG’s assumption of office thus:


Creation of Civil Defence Academy in Jos, Plateau State


Creation of NSCDC Arms Squad Training School at Ugede Development Area,  Nassarawa LGA of Nasarawa State.


Creation of NSCDC Female Squad to aid in tackling kidnapping and other restiveness in  Schools nationwide  


Creation of the NSCDC Special Mines Marshal to combat the menace of illegal mining in the country’s mining sector 


Introduction of career progression courses for personnel of the NSCDC 


Increase in the welfare packages of Corps’ personnel 


Massive acquisition of arms for NSCDC operational use.


Purchase of mini fire fighting tankers for Disaster management  in case of emergencies 


Procurement of Armored Personnel Career [APC] vehicles for the NSCDC to use in fighting crime and criminalities in the country. 


Robust staff welfare and motivational packages for personnel of NSCDC through massive promotion, conversion and upgrading as well as provision of  staff welfare buses


Construction of official and residential buildings within and outside the NSCDC Headquarters 


Procurement of operational and office equipment’s.


Destruction of over 350 illegal refineries in the Niger Delta region.


Arrest and prosecution of vandals in several courts of competent jurisdiction within the country of which the conviction rates are equally the highest in the history of the NSCDC.


Arrest and recovery of critical assets and railway materials worth over 5 billion.  


Initiator of the Save the School innovative program for the protection of vulnerable schools across the country.


Creation of the Commandant General’s Special Intelligence Squad [CG’s SIS] which has made and is still making remarkable impact in the war against illegal bunkering, kidnapping, banditry, armed robbery among others.

 18) Maintaining effective collaborations with other Security Agencies amongst others. 

“It is based on the forgoing that we categorically say that those calling for the removal or suspension of the present Commandant General of the NSCDC do not mean well for the Corps”.

 “Against this backdrop we wish to state that the attempt is a plan to send the NSCDC  back into oblivion and should be outrightly condemned and jettisoned with immediate effect” 

“We hereby call on the Minister of Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo whose pedigree has revealed a matchless and undaunted support for the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr President to reject the untoward agitations and stand his ground against saboteurs and enemies of the NSCDC whose delight is to degrade and defame the Corps’ integrity and reputation for their selfish interest with the agenda to hijack the leadership and frustrate the commendable work of the current administration”.

“In the interest of this noble organization and its sustainability we must understand that: Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.”- John F. Kennedy; the NSCDC is of a truth going through a face of transformation from what it used to be to what it ought to be therefore we must support the present administration and allow the Corps grow and overcome its inherent challenges even as the government and reputable stakeholders continue to give the necessary backings and applause till the promise land is reached”.




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